Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Coming back Japan

I got to Narita airport, Chiba which is next to Tokyo on June 14th. I had long long flight to get to Japan. This picture was taken at Minneapolis international airport in MN. At Narita airport I met my family. When I saw my parents, ancle, his wife and sister, I was so happy and it made me smile!! I was suprised because my sister grow so much. She is not same person who I saw my sister before I leave Japan. We went to Yakiniku place, Gyukaku for our dinner. On the way to dinner, I talked a lot to them. I think I was so noisy for my Anyways, the dinner was so awsome and good!! My parents, sister and I spent night at hotel which is close to Narita airport. I worried about time diffrent but I didn't matter!!lol

Nextday, we had plan to meet my friend, Hongmai and her family. We left hotel a little bit early and go to Makuhari. Because there was earthquake in Tohoku. My hometown too so we chenged plan to get to home early. Finally, I met Hongmai again! She cried I missed her too so I was also gonna cry It took about 7 hours to get to my home but it was fun. Because I was with my natural family!! We talked about their life, my life and so on. I was so fun. I am really happy now.